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Book your Lenten event now!

Walking with the nonviolent Jesus is the most consequential choice you’ll ever make. My Lent 2025 events explore what this choice means, and why it matters.

My four talks include:

1. The real work of Lent
2. God’s vision, Jesus’ mission
3. You will be vulnerable
4. What the world asks of us

Events are available in half-day, full-day, and three-day options. Give a listen now, and let’s get the conversation going!

Explore my latest book

I want you to read for yourself and be encouraged by the tremendous value of your every act of Costly Love, generosity, compassion, justice, and faithfulness to what Life asks of you in your one precious life. I want you to feel affirmed and not alone.

Whatever your path, my latest book Gospel Vulnerability shares with you what church people seldom hear on Sunday mornings: Walking the Good Road will inconvenience you, test your reserves, and make you vulnerable in ways you wouldn’t trade for the world. The good news? This Good Road is open to everyone!

In Gospel Vulnerability I offer you five stories, a simple statement of faith, and four repeatable steps to living Costly Love. You’ll discover endless opportunities to enter into, and willingly embrace, your own vulnerabilities in living this life.

I want you to take Gospel Vulnerability to heart. I can’t think of anything more important or consequential to share with you for our work in these times. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you already on the Good Road. Let’s journey together!

Gospel Vulnerability includes:

  1. Vulnerability: Two Definitions
  2. Embracing the Vulnerable Life
  3. Gospel Vulnerability: Expression of Radical Trust
  4. Vulnerability of Core Convictions
  5. The Prophetic Core of Gospel Vulnerability
  6. Gospel Vulnerability and the Mission of Costly Love
  7. Practical Steps to Living Gospel Vulnerability

Each part ends with a takeaway and an assignment: to ponder a thought-provoking question or two. Consider these elements your built-in personal or small group Study Guide. Order Now

Read sample pages of Gospel Vulnerability
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Mary Sharon’s 2024-2025 Events Menu

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