About Mary Sharon

About Mary Sharon


Here’s the secret to holiness: Be filled with God and act on it! Show up. Pay attention. Notice things. Act. The world is waiting for us to wake up and get it right!

From Dare to Believe, Rise Up to Act

I believe deeply that the world is ready—whether it knows it or not—for us to wake up, rise up, and live our anointing. In every aspect of my work I make the case.

I believe deeply that you and I are already equipped to be the public face of Christ in the world we touch. I show you how to mobilize your forces.

I believe deeply that you and I are holy every time we show up, pay attention, notice things, and act in the justice, generosity, and joy of the reign of God. I share my stories and help you find your own.

I believe deeply that the reign of God is possible. Otherwise, Jesus would not have preached it. I call it the Land of the Rightside Up. In my work life I act on these beliefs through listening, through writing, and through speaking.

And in my personal life I act on these beliefs through civic engagement, listening, advocacy, and empowerment workshops for folks at the margins.

I deliver honest talk on the nature of God’s calling in our times.

Ready for a dose of holy passion? Let’s get the conversation going.


I’m a storyteller of the reign of God. I write, and I teach and inspire for life in the Land of the Rightside Up.

And I listen and guide individuals, nationwide and beyond, in interior growth and cultivating a nonviolent heart.

Jesus believed the reign of God is possible!
Let’s get to work!

Mary Sharon More

Christ-centered to the core


We are the right people to meet the urgency of our times. We know the magnitude of the task by the intensity of our pushback. 

Let me show you how to push forward!

New Arrivals from Mary Sharon


Online Courses


Catch this thumbnail intro to my course, SPIRITUAL GROWTH: 16 Practical Lessons. Insight you can live with!

Equip yourself with the Spiritual Growth Booster Pack, and you’re good to go!



View Lesson 1, on Holiness, here.

We’ll explore a simple definition of holiness for your life!


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