Four Literacies Booster Pack


This Booster Pack includes:
1. your personal downloadable PDF of the Four Literacies Course Journal
2. automatic registration for your personal Office Hour with Mary Sharon

A savings of US$36.00 from regular price!

Get premium value from Mary Sharon’s teaching video with this Course Journal, including all of her talking points, plus ample room to capture notes, ideas, and questions.

Then, bring those thoughts and questions to your personal Office Hour with Mary Sharon.

To request a 40% discount on orders of six or more copies of this title Click Here.


Much of what we scan-and-scroll in our hurry-up lives is written at the fifth grade level, Mary Sharon observes in this brief and enlightening course. “But we don’t live fifth grade lives, and we don’t live in a fifth grade world.”

Mary Sharon makes the case for four essential “literacies”—or ways to read what in the world is going on, which open the way to the Christ-centered life. Each form of literacy equips you to be an enlivening presence in the world you touch. These literacies include:

  • Spiritual literacy
  • Moral literacy
  • Emotional literacy
  • Social and Cultural literacy

All four literacies are necessary to cultivate the Christ-centered life.

This compact course is available for free on Mary Sharon’s YouTube channel. Her Four Literacies Booster Pack enables you to take full advantage of the learning experience.

  • This course is ideal for:
  • your own personal growth
  • your spiritual enrichment group
  • your church’s Adult/Elder book/study or social group
  • those who strive to live prophetically in today’s world

The 11-page journal accompanies you through this one-session course. And your scheduled Office Hour with Mary Sharon takes your learning experience a rich level deeper.

Note: The Office Hour is one-to-one, and requires unique registration for each person in any group seeking the Office Hour.

Mary Sharon’s engaging style, combined with her simple, memorable, frame-changing insights and stories, will carry you deeper into Christ-centered mature life.


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