“Praying is like breathing,” writes Mary Sharon Moore in her most spiritually intimate book, Lord, Teach Us to Pray. “Yet everyone breathes. So I like to think that at some essential level, everyone also prays.”
Not just another book on prayer, Lord, Teach Us to Pray offers an intimate look into the lived evolution of a maturing prayer life. Through stories, observations, discoveries, and a rich instinct for movements of the Holy Spirit, the author carries her readers to discoveries of their own in the ever-maturing life of prayer.
Lord, Teach Us to Pray explores prayer as encounter, prayer as holy conversation, and prayer as “invitation to something more.” Each section ends with questions for reflection and conversation.
Mary Sharon Moore is an active writer and nationally recognized speaker on the maturing relationship with God and on the nature of God’s calling. She serves individuals nationwide as a spiritual director. She has a master’s degree in theological studies, with a focus in liturgical spirituality, from the Franciscan School of Theology, Berkeley.
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